For I am not ashamed of the gospel, because it is the power of God that brings salvation to everyone who believes.
— Romans 1:16

What is FoSE?

The Friends of St Ebbe’s Trust (FoSE) was established in 1995 to support the student ministry at St Ebbe’s. The funds raised then were enough to support one full-time student worker (a younger Vaughan Roberts!). By God’s grace, both the student work and FoSE have grown since then.

FoSE now supports a much larger student team, including apprentices, across St Ebbe’s Downtown and St Ebbe’s Headington. The team serves students through Sunday services; Bible studies for undergraduates, postgraduates and international students; training new leaders; meeting with students one-to-one; evangelistic events; reading weeks and annual getaways.

FoSE continues to

  • financially support the student team as they reach out to, encourage and train students.

  • serve as a network to keep alumni and other supporters connected to St Ebbe’s and to one another long after they have left. There is an annual reunion and a termly newsletter to keep members up to date.

FoSE is reliant upon member donations and is hugely grateful for the sacrificial giving of many that enables them to continue to support the student work at St Ebbe’s.

  • Connect

    Sign up for ministry and alumni updates, prayer diaries, and other opportunities to connect with alumni and current students. We send out termly newsletters with updates from past and present students.

  • Pray

    Everything we do is rooted in God’s Word and prayer. We would love you to join us in praying weekly for current students, staff workers, and events happening for students at St Ebbe’s and St Ebbe’s Headington.

  • Give

    Student ministry at St Ebbe’s and St Ebbe’s Headington have been supported by alumni and friends since 1995. Give to ensure student ministry can continue for many years to come.